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Things You Should Know About Hard Drive Degaussing Many computer users believe that once data is deleted from a computer and the trash bin is emptied, the data disappears. But that is further from the truth. The reality is that the data is still in the hard drive. All you actually do when you delete such info is to destroy the path leading the actual information. Nevertheless, it is still possible to erase information completely from your HD. You can actually erase data from your computer using three different techniques. One can physically destroy the drive, use a hard drive eraser or use degaussing to clear the drive. Degaussing means doing away with data completely. With so much sensitive information being stored on hard drives out there, organizations require a way of being able to securely do away with sensitive data completely. This method of erasing is unlike any other method of erasing data. Unlike deleting and formatting, degaussing completely clears information by the use of a special technique. Below are some fact s you should know about hard drive degaussing. makes Use of Magnetic Fields
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Degaussing is pretty much the elimination or decrease of a magnetic field. A magnetic field is necessary when trying to erase information from a magnetic storage device. A fine coating of chromium oxide and iron oxide sometimes exists on the tape. A very intense magnetic field is generated during this process. The immense power of this magnetic field is what aids in the permanent removal of the magnetic memory from the chromium oxide or the iron oxide coating. The data on the disc is completely destroyed as a result of the change in the tape’s magnetic field. During this process, the recorded data pattern is either removed or randomized. This is why the data can never again be recovered.
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Safety Concerns Degaussing does not cause any harm to people’s health according to the World Health Organization. This means people shouldn’t fear being exposed to these magnetic fields during the degaussing process. Speed of the Degaussing Process Degaussing might sound like a slow and complex process. However, contrary to what the name sounds like the process of erasing data is quick and simple. Difference from Hard Drive Eraser As aforementioned, degaussing, works with the help of a magnetic field to reset the hard drive’s magnetic charge to a state that is neutral. Hard drive erasers however, actually work on the principle of overwritten data, once the data is overwritten enough times it becomes impossible to forensically recover it or even decipher its meaning. Essentially, no erasing actually goes on in this process.