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Your Ultimate Guide to Shifting Careers

It is really tough to choose a career since it is a lifelong process with varying interests and needs along the road. You might select a job early basing on your interests or availability. It is perfect if you have fulfilled a career with your initial decision but not every career path is straightforward, and you might just wake up one day and think again. It can take years to make this realization.

It is important to figure out what to do, what you really want, what your road map will look like, how to update your resume and how to build your network if you really want to shift to another career. You are not alone because many well-known people have also experienced the same crisis and they took many years before they pulled the trigger on a career shift. Actually, Walt Disney was formerly a newspaper editor, Pope Francis was a chemical technician before he joined priesthood, and famous actor Harrison Ford was actually a carpenter before his big movie hit role. There is one thing that these people have in common aside from being successful and well-known, they made a career decision basing on the difference between what they wanted to do with their lives, and what they were doing. It is important to find happiness in what you do in order to achieve self-fulfillment when it comes to your career, so you need to know what you really want in life so you will have the passion to pursue your career goals.

It is important to identify your values, strengths and your experiences, as well as your weaknesses, issues and concerns. There is no sure way to success when changing careers, and it involves a lot of risks and raises major concerns, but having a road map to follow is one thing that can help you achieve your goals, by listing down the things you are expecting to achieve at a specific time frame and the things you can do to achieve those goals. In pursuing your dream job, you might need to go back to school or learn a new skill, so you are better equipped with the knowledge and expertise your new career will demand.

There are a lot of companies out there such as pharmaceutical recruitment agencies willing to train you if you like to enter the world of pharmacology. You may want to also pursue your passion in writing, cooking, singing, culinary or journalism. If you want to start your own business, you can still keep your current job and try first selling online on free shopping platforms. It is still best to weigh things before switching careers most especially if you are not yet financially prepared.