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How You Should Overcome Quarter Life Crisis There are quite a number of young people these days, mostly in their mid to late 20s, who are suffering from a quarter life crisis. Maybe you’ve graduated from a prestigious university and you may even have an undergraduate degree but you’re currently panicked with regards to your career options. Or perhaps you may have lived your life at early 20s smoothly but are now feeling quite a lot of pressure as you near your 30s. By figuring out the root cause of your crisis and knowing exactly what your life goals are, you can effectively overcome quarter life crisis. You can then decide on what you need to do to properly handle your crisis head on and be successful in overcoming it. First of all, you have to admit to yourself that there are certain choices you’ve made that you’re not happy about. You’ll know you’re beginning to have quarter life crisis if you’re starting to feel like you’re being trapped with all the choices you’ve done so far. It could be that you’re feeling locked into your career path, your relationship, and even your job. Your life might seem like it’s on autopilot right now and you’re not really living it to the fullest. The first step towards overcoming your crisis might just start with acknowledging how trapped you actually feel with your life right now. It is also strongly recommended that you take a timeout. In the second phase, you will have to take some of your time away from everything. It could be that you’re thinking about getting out of the situation you’re currently in such as moving to a new school or by getting a new kind of job. It would be best that you use this time to take a timeout so that you’ll be able to reconsider your life goals as well as your plans before committing to any big decisions in life.
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Accept that you can possibly change. This is known as the third phase where you may begin to consider that you can actually change the course of your life.
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Creating new goals and commitments. As you work your way through these three phases of your quarter life crisis, you should then feel the courage to start creating new commitments as well as new goals. It would be best if you focus on personal development at this time so that you’ll have the power to overcome the crisis. You should try to look for new ways how you can enjoy life. Although making new goals and going through changes will help overcome crisis, you should also try to find ways wherein you can enjoy the current life you have.